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Our laboratory:field

Since 2019, the FENICS team has conducted more than 15 field experiments to test multiple technologies in order to build a field solution as close as possible to the needs defined by the field.

This applied research process made it possible to design a modular solution, scalable and adaptable to the operational situation encountered.

A series of experiments to find the best solutions

In order to better understand the uses and integrate them into the definition of the need, the Fire and Rescue Services 73 has, since the beginning of 2020, carried out 10 major experiments in the field, in operational conditions, in order to test a panel of technologies to find the most efficient tools. adapted to user needs.


Each of these experiments was also an opportunity to conduct research, to provide each expressed need, one or more solutions on the equipment tested or on those to be designed.

Beyond the experiments, feedback from real situations has also made it possible to develop the proposed response. The Roya disaster in the Nice hinterland in the fall of 2020 was an important element in the reflection of the project to provide a rapid and adapted response to a situation heavily impacting the infrastructures and therefore the communication capacities of the teams. 

Finally, in this phase, it is important to underline that the user-industrial association is essential for rapid progress. Following a lot of sourcing work, the materials were obtained through public contracts.

Today, FENICS relies mainly on a constellation of French industrialists recognized for their commitment in the field of communications in the world of emergencies. It integrates both with small and large international groups. In this mechanism, everyone brings their stone to provide an adaptable response to the constraints of the mission.

On the strength of these experiments, the results of this work have been presented at the national level. In view of the proposed solution, the DGSCGC decided to continue the work by asking to prepare a capability response which it has now proposed to the UCPM.

ICT component

With the aim of ensuring their reinforcement capacities, the two Fire and Rescue Services 73 and 74 worked for 3 years on INSARAG certification for validation in January 2020. In this context, the ICT teams worked on a real primary communication system - intervener for the field teams, but also to ensure the local command and the feedback to the ERCC and the support country.

During the certification, the evaluators encouraged the creation of a module which could be autonomous to support other modules of the UCPM, like what the TAST-NL proposes with its HUSAR.


FENICS is a team of specialists in the reconstruction of strategic communications in the event of major or even catastrophic events.

They come from the Fire and Rescue Services of the Bouches du Rhône, Savoie, Haute Savoie and Rhône.

© 2023 by FENICS

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